Hire amanager for your transaction

A successful entrepreneur owns the company, the company works for the owner and not the other way around

Sale of the company and transactions

Temporary filling of key management roles

Separation of the owner’s function from the management of the company

Manager for your transactions (M&A, MBO, MBI and more)

In the transactional area, we specialise in providing key executives for executive roles to ensure the stability of the business during and after the sale process.

In medium-sized companies, there is often a strong link between the owner and the day-to-day running of the business. This dependency can be an obstacle to a successful transaction.

We offer our clients:

Temporary filling of key management roles – our experienced leaders with proven corporate management skills will work for you to successfully complete the transaction.

Separation of the owner’s functions from the management of the company – we help to establish standard processes and an organizational structure that will allow the company to operate independently of the current owner by placing our manager in your company in an executive position.

The service is provided by our sister company – BM4U.

Smooth transition to new owners – our experts ensure the stability of the team and the maintenance of key processes throughout the transition period and, by agreement with the buyer, until the time required by the buyer.

This approach significantly increases the chances of a successful completion of a transaction, whether it is an M&A, management buyout (MBO ) or management buy-in (MBI).

The service is provided by our sister company – BM4U.

Are you considering any of the above transactions?

We provide a free consultation. Contact us to find out how our experienced managers can help you ensure the stability and successful completion of your transaction. We are ready to support you at every stage of the process.

BA4U s.r.o.
Podkovářská 674/2,
Vysočany, 190 00 Prague 9