Qualified Investor Fund(SICAV)

Make your company a professional, efficient and secure investment structure.

Swap 21% income tax for 5%

Get capital to grow your business

Manage your company professionally with CNB supervision

Public limited company with variable share capital – SICAV

A SICAV is an ideal tool for restructuring not only family-owned companies and businesses. It brings a safe, regulated and transparent structure under the supervision of the CNB with a range of tax and investment benefits.

Key benefits of restructuring to SICAVs?

Transparent and regulated structure

The SICAV is subject to strict control by the CNB and is an ideal tool for long-term asset protection.

Maximum tax efficiency

The corporate tax rate is only 5% compared to the standard 21%.

Access to external capital

SICAVs allow investor input and fundraising without compromising your decision-making powers.

Safe intergenerational handover

It allows the division of the roles of active and passive descendants with asset protection.

Professional management and administration

Hire an investment company to manage and administer your assets with the highest level of expertise.

Cooperation / Who provides this service?

Our experts and the selected investment company will ensure the complete transformation of your company into a SICAV structure, from design to implementation.

Benefits of a qualified investor fund, principles of the solution, SICAV, safe and transparent structure…

Mgr. Adam Juřica | Partner AVANT ADVISORY s.r.o.

Why SICAVs, sub-funds, regulation and supervision, holding company…

PhDr. Martina Pěkná | Senior Advisor BA4U s.r.o.

How is the restructuring project at the SICAV going?

Preparatory phase

    • Consultation with the client and creation of the optimal model structure.
    • Selection of the investment company and final setup of the project details.

Implementation phase

    • Establishment of the SICAV fund – drafting of the articles of association, statutes and registration of the fund in the CNB register.
    • Preparation of assets for transfer to the structure – valuation of assets and verification of tax neutrality.
    • In the case of fundraising, preparation of the fund’s marketing strategy.

Completion and management

    • Launch of the SICAV, including professional asset management and fund structure management.

Implementation time:

    • The whole process can take from 2 to 9 months depending on the client’s involvement and the complexity of the structure.

Are you considering transforming your company into a SICAV?

We provide a free consultation. We are ready to guide you through every stage of the process – from model design to implementation and fund management. Benefit from the tax advantages and transparent management with a SICAV.

BA4U s.r.o.
Podkovářská 674/2,
Vysočany, 190 00 Prague 9